Quest:The Farms of the Norcrofts

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The Farms of the Norcrofts
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Hwitnyd
Starts at Cliving
Start Region Norcrofts
Map Ref [43.2S, 56.6W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It does not matter how many arrows or swords we have, or how solid and secure our defences, if we do not have food. If the Enemy can starve us, then the battle is lost long before it has even begun. Orcs are bringing this threat to bear upon us even as we speak.

'Head to the farms of Norcrofts and defeat the Orcs who are riding through the fields.'


Mounted Orcs are razing the farms of the Norcrofts.

Objective 1

  • Defeat mounted Orcs in the farms of the Norcrofts (0/10)

Mounted Orcs can be found in the farms of the Norcrofts.

Hwitnyd asked you to ride out into the farms of the Norcrofts and defeat the mounted Orcs rampaging through the fields.

Hwitnyd: 'Are you prepared to battle the Orcs upon the farms of the Norcrofts?'
Enter the Public Instance: The Farms of Norcrofts

Objective 2

  • Talk to Hwitnyd

Hwitnyd is at Cliving.

Hwitnyd will be pleased to hear that you have driven the Orcs from the farms of the Norcrofts.

Hwitnyd: 'A battle well-fought and well-won, but not yet over. They will return...I have no doubt.'